
Elpizo Engineering

Keltsmaht Kelp

Kelp Production Improvements

The project motto is to help improve the efficiency of the clients processes and increase the consistency of the product. We plan to build a mechanical device that is able to use the same resources under better conditions and technology for improved output. We also pondered upon the different steps throughout the process to reduce the time frame between the actual steps for cutting down the overall time. We also designed multiple detachable tools assigned to individual processes. Moreover, our team also designed an efficient plan for the extraction of the fluids from the fermented kelp for better production.

Angus Boyd-Porter

Arvind Verma

Arrived in Canada in 2019, to pursue Mechanical Engineering. He always loved the idea of innovating new things and found that mechanical engineering is a great way to do that. Aerospace and physics were the subjects that always fascinated him and he would like to increase his knowledge in those fields. In the coming years he dreams to build his own brand for the improvement of human living and support tech-evolution. Apart from these, he has keen interest towards sports and nutrition.

Paul Fuller

Enrique Fajemisin

Born in Caracas, Venezuela. Enrique Fajemisin has been in Canada for 15 years and is currently a Mechanical Engineering Technologist student at Camosun College. With a keen interest in control systems, he plans to continue his studies with the Department of Mechatronics at the University of British Columbia.

Lovjeet Dhunna

Justin Fritz Manlangit

He started his journey in college in the Philippines. He studied Medical Radiologic Technology but he stopped when he and his family had the opportunity to move to Canada. He realized that he is more interested in studying the machine used in medical imaging than studying human anatomy so he decided to study Mechanical Engineering Technology in Camosun College.He wants to expand his knowledge in machining so after his study in Camosun, he plans to continue his journey and work in the field of manufacturing.


Specific Mechanical Systems

Keltsmaht Kelp produces a kelp probiotic made from freshly harvested macro-kelp (Macrocystis Integrifolia) of the shorelines of Clayoquot Sound. This fertilizer is meant to be used as a foliar spray, soil drench and/or compost conditioner for lawns, household plants, golf courses, greenhouses and urban gardens.